​​​​​​​" PLEASE READ"

Click on the word Propertie​s. If any place is available It will be underlined. Then you can click on that property to see pictures and info. If nothing is underlined then nothing is available. To get ​a application click on it. Also you can click contact us for all the ways to get a hold of us or another way to get a application by clicking on contact. ​If you get a application in person there is a five dollar cost.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Hi thank you for looking.

You will need to "FULLY” fill

out a application  and send or drop it off to be

considered for the place.If the application qualifies i will call to set up a time to see it. 

With applications I go first in has first chance. Also My the phone # is 

920-897-2206 if  you have more question. You can also get a application at 1311 Marinette Ave Marinette.Tuesday thur Friday 10:30 to 5:00 n Saturday 10:30 to 2:30 If 

If you get a application in person.There is a five dollar cost.